Dear Canadian Down Syndrome Community,
Everyone is in some way affected by the COVID-19 virus. Similar to many organizations, our team at the Canadian Down Syndrome Society is taking action during this unusual and unprecedented time.
We are experiencing a constant inundation of information. We encourage you to make informed decisions and follow the recommendations and advice from trusted sources for preventing the spread of COVID-19. As advised by the Government of Canada, please practice proper hand washing, coughing and sneezing etiquette, environmental cleaning and practice social distancing and/or isolation if appropriate.
We have compiled the most recently available information on the COVID-19 virus as it relates to individuals with Down Syndrome. These resources are being shared on our social media channels as they are flagged and reviewed. To stay up to date we encourage you to join our Facebook page
For basic information:
Please visit, and your provincial health services authority.
For information relating to Down Syndrome:
Please visit
Easy-read resources:
Please visit
At CDSS, we greatly appreciate your generous support which enables us to continue our work.
To donate, please visit our secure link at:
We all wish you and your families well during these challenging times.